En la época de lo digital, virtual…esta campaña propone, con éxito, a los transeúntes, poder escribir lo que harían en su último minuto, en unos grandes murales.
Por supuesto también se pude participar on line
Gran idea, sencilla y eficaz.
Dan al público la oportunidad de enriquecer el mensaje publicitario, dándole más sentido.
Hay mensajes para todos los gustos.
What would you do with your last minute?
The travel portal Lastiminute, launched a campaign Lastminuteliving.com .
Part of it, is this interactive action at Victoria station.
In the era of the digital, virtual,… this campaign offers you the posibility to write down in a giant board what would you do with your last minute.
There is also a posibility of participation online
Its allways a good idea, to offer the target the posibilty to enrich the advertising message.
Hoards of people have stopped to tell what they'd do with their last minute. We heard the weird, the wacky and a lot of "hug my mum" messages.
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